The Fundraising Producer


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Engage, Inspire, Give: Fundraising at Your Corporate Conference

Imagine this: the final night of your corporate conference in Atlanta, a room filled with influential executives and stakeholders, all gathered to celebrate the event’s success. Now, picture this moment transformed into an opportunity for powerful giving—a micro gala or auction to support your corporate foundation. This short yet impactful segment can make a significant difference, turning your corporate gathering into a philanthropic powerhouse raising thousands of dollars in just a few minutes.

Why Integrate a Fundraiser?

Captivate and Engage

Corporate conferences gather key players in your organization, making it the perfect setting for a fundraising event. These attendees are already aligned with your company’s mission, providing a captive audience ready to engage. Be them your high earning executives, your sales team, to your secretaries and more.

Foster Deeper Connections

A fundraiser during the conference dinner enhances engagement, turning passive attendees into active contributors. It strengthens their connection to the foundation’s mission and showcases the company’s commitment to social responsibility and encourage more Giving with your Employee Giving Campaigns.

Maximize Generosity

With executives and stakeholders in a generous mood, a live auction and paddle raise can drive significant contributions. The competitive spirit of an auction combined with the collective action of a paddle raise creates a dynamic giving environment. With more time, more fundraising opportunities such as gamification.

Crafting the Perfect Fundraiser

Keep It Concise: 15-30 Minutes

A successful fundraiser in this environment fits seamlessly into the evening’s schedule. Aim for a 15-30 minute window to conduct your auction and paddle raise, ensuring it complements rather than disrupts the dinner.

Live Auction Excitement

Engage your audience with a live auction featuring exclusive items and experiences. The excitement and competitive bidding can drive up the contributions, making it a highlight of the evening.

Paddle Raise for a Purpose

A a paddle raise, also known as a Fund-A-Need, allows everyone to participate! Focus on a specific need or project for your foundation, clearly articulating its impact. This approach not only raises funds but also fosters a sense of community and shared purpose. Everyone in the room can contribute, be it $100 to $100,000! The more people give, the more people are inspired to give.

Benefits Beyond the Event

Boost Visibility and Support

A fundraiser raises the profile of your corporate foundation, showcasing its initiatives and successes. This visibility can attract new supporters and strengthen existing partnerships.

Strengthen Corporate Culture

Incorporating philanthropy into your conference reinforces a culture of giving and social responsibility. It aligns the company’s values with actionable outcomes, fostering pride among employees and stakeholders.


Incorporating a foundation fundraiser into your corporate conference’s final night dinner is a powerful strategy to enhance engagement and generosity. A well-structured live auction and paddle raise harnesses the collective goodwill of your attendees, making a significant difference for your foundation’s initiatives. This approach not only enriches the conference experience but also solidifies the company’s commitment to social impact.

For more insights on planning successful corporate fundraisers, reach out to Your Rocktioneer® for a free brainstorming session. Transform your corporate conference be it in in a city like Atlanta, Nashville, Denver, etc. into a catalyst for positive change, amplifying your impact and fostering a culture of giving.

Seth Weiner