Is there any benefit to hiring an auctioneer specialist? If you have a big event coming up, there’s a lot this kind of talent can bring to it, especially when it comes to motivating people to spend more. That’s one of the real benefits. Think of an auctioneer as a lead singer in a band. The good ones can of course put on a show, but the great ones can entertain everyone in between the music, creating an atmosphere that people enjoy and more. The more inviting and enjoyable the situation, the more people want to participate and spend.
So, beyond hiring an auctioneer specialist because of the benefits, what are some other things you can do that will make your event a smash? Let’s start with the beginning, the invites. You can do a Facebook invite but that’s not exciting anymore. Look for a platform that allows you to setup a site and email everyone directly. Then, they can also check out different things about the event and get reminders that it’s coming up. Next, you want to make sure that you are giving people some incentive to go. That means tell them about the entertainment, theme, food, beverages or something else that will make them want to go.
Initially, people are always prepared to decline an offer or invitation because they feel more comfortable with that stance. So, your best sales pitch needs to be in the beginning with the initial event. If you can reach them a few months beforehand and give them information about what will be happening at the event, it may be something they look forward to before they even get the invite. Then when you do send out the invites, you will see a higher percentage of people saying they will come to your party and that’s the main goal.
Throwing together an event like this is always a lot of work and that’s why you need the benefit of hiring an auctioneer, someone who can help you really take the party to the next level. As you look for ways to plan and host this party, keep that in mind if there’s going to be an auction. Having a professional there can make a big difference and really help to get people involved and spending. It’s a great add-on to anything you are doing and it’s also well worth the investment for this and future parties you throw throughout the year.