One of the reasons Seth Weiner of You Rocktioneer is regarded as the top Atlanta benefit auctioneer is because of his experience and ability to get the crowd involved in the event. For years, people have relied on Seth for his professionalism and ability to bring entertainment to something that’s otherwise very straight-forward and at times, a bit boring. The more involved Seth can be in the process, the better his performance usually is as he can work with you and your team to help you find ways of getting more out of the event. That’s not something every Atlanta auctioneer will do but it is something that you get when you work with such a great professional.
So, what makes Mr. Weiner so different than the other benefit auctioneers? Let’s start with his understanding of what the crowd is like and how to get them involved. Think of a festival where the auction is just a small part of the event and there are so many things around to distract people. You have a small window to get them interested and keep them interested and you need to take that into consideration when choosing an auctioneer for your Atlanta event. Even if there are a lot of great things to bid on, if you do not have someone who is captivating the audience, chances are you are not going to be able to hold their attention for that long.
The more people you get involved and the more interested in the event they are, the more money you raise. That’s why this is an important decision and one that you cannot take lightly. It’s a great idea to research ways to gain interest in auctions as well, especially if they are not the featured attraction for the event. That’s why you should also talk to Seth, because he can help you get more information on how to plan this aspect of the festival and get the most out of it.
Whether you are in Atlanta or the surrounding areas, we can help you create and run a fantastic auction with our professional benefit auctioneer, Mr. Seth Weiner. Experience is a big plus but in addition to that, you can rely on true entertainment to make people engage the event and want to take part in it. If you are still gathering information and looking for creative ideas, feel free to contact our team today for a free consultation.